Found 496 Results
Do I need insurance for test ride?
There was a news story about 18 months ago of someone selling their motorcycle and the buyer takes it for a test ride. Unbeknown to the seller that person had no valid insurance and crashed the bike, seriously injuring two pedestrians. Apparently because the rider had no insurance they were able to claim against the […]
Careless for filtering
I have been summonsed for driving without due care and attention. I was on a 30mph road overtaking a line of stationary cars waiting for a red light when a car a few back from the lights suddenly swung out in front of me and I collided with the front wing. I have a witness […]
Can I claim against emerging farm vehicle?
I was riding along a country road at 50 to 55mph and was just exiting a sweeping bend when I saw a large tractor/trailer emerging from a road to my left. It was moving into the road, blocking more and more of my path. I thought that the driver would see me and I didn’t […]
What can I do about expired voucher?
I bought a tank bag from a shop in Doncaster. The sales assistant said I could take it home and try it on my bike and return it if necessary. It was too tall so I returned it. It was the salesman’s day off and another salesman refused to refund me. He said because there […]
Accident caused by oncoming Porsche
I have received a letter from a firm of solicitors seeking compensation for their client’s injuries in his car accident me and telling me to send the letter to my insurer. They claim their car driver had a serious eye injury from his airbag going off. I was following a Porsche on my Multistrada and […]
How can I reduce speeding penalty?
I was recently zapped at 8am on a sunny Saturday but the road was still a bit damp. The speed was 84mph in a 60mph zone The road was very quiet at that time of the morning with no hazards or obstructions or junctions. When responding to the letter I confirmed I was the rider. […]
Can I get lost earnings caused by going to physio ?
I was involved in an accident where a car did not stop at a stop sign and hit me on my motorcycle in 2018. The car driver admitted liability. I was injured and my medical expert recommended that I attend physiotherapy sessions. I attended physiotherapy sessions in the late afternoon which meant that I had […]
Accident at a bus stop
I was riding home in Swansea, one lane in either direction. In the oncoming lane was a bus that had pulled over. A car went to go past the bus but as he did so this guy walked out in front of the bus. The car swerved to the right to avoid him entering my […]
Are cyclists riding dangerously?
This time of year we are plagued by the usual infestation of MAMILs (middle aged men in lycra) on their bicycles. Each weekend we come up behind a group of them and usually one or more insist on riding close to the centre white line. This is particularly annoying when the roads are narrow and […]
Is 9 points justice for spinal injury?
9 months ago someone drove into me while I was driving my bike on a roundabout, I fractured my back and my leg in three places. I was in hospital for 2 weeks and still walk with a crutch. Yesterday I got a letter telling me the verdict of the criminal prosecution. The offence is […]
Can I sue for an unlit skip?
A few weeks ago I was riding my bike, at night, along a poorly lit road having just finished my shift. I was travelling within the speed limit when I suddenly noticed an unlit large object parked about 10 or so metres away from me in the carriageway. I had no time to stop. I […]
Should I be getting a lockdown insurance rebate?
Some of my friends have had refunds on their insurance policies for using their cars and bikes less during the lockdowns. I hardly used mine at all, but haven’t heard anything. Is there a legal loophole or some other way I can make them give me a refund? Dylan, by email Answer Figures from […]
Child pillion – parental consent
I am divorced with a 16 year old son. My ex-wife is accusing me of breaking the law by having my son ride pillion on the bike without her consent. She quotes a bill of Parliament on riding as a pillion passenger stating that not only one but both parents must give consent. I thought […]
Are badly positioned sat-navs illegal?
I would be interested to know about the rules about fitting aftermarket satellite navigation systems in cars? I have seen them on windscreens partially blocking the driver’s view. Yesterday I passed a driver with the sat nav at eye height right in front of her face. I am concerned that a badly positioned sat nav […]
Overbanding accident
Last week, I was riding my bike along a wet country road outside Newport and was going around a bend when my bike lost traction and I ended up in a hedge. I was able to pick myself up and went to look at the road when I saw that it had been repaired recently. […]
Should I take a courtesy bike?
I have recently left hospital following an accident with a lorry. One of the first phone calls I received was from a company offering me a replacement motorcycle whilst mine is in the garage for repairs. I’m still recovering from my injuries, so I am not even sure I could even ride at this moment […]
Have I got the right lawyer?
I was involved in quite a nasty smash a couple of years ago when a BMW driver turned across my path and sent me flying over the bonnet. I was in the hospital for three or four weeks, but I’m still feeling the effects to this day. I went with the solicitors my insurance company […]
Dog caused accident. Who pays?
I have recently been involved in an accident whilst riding to work. I had just pulled out of my street when a dog ran across my path causing me to fall off. Luckily I was travelling at slow speed so suffered no injuries, however my brand new motorcycle was badly damaged. I have asked the […]
Knocked off while speeding. Can I claim?
Unfortunately I had an accident in May when riding home. A car pulled out of a side road in front of me. The problem is I was doing around 60mph in a 40mph limit so I am being charged with dangerous driving. I accept I was going too fast but it was on a long […]
Hit by a drug driver
I was leaving an out of town shopping centre at the end of June when exiting the car park onto the main road I was knocked off by young man in a car. He obviously didn’t see me. The police and an ambulance attended. The police tested the driver and he had cocaine in his […]