Why does my compensation claim keep getting delayed?
I have a question about the delays in my compensation claim resulting from my bike v car accident 18 months ago. The court has cancelled a hearing twice, not a trial but some administrative hearing to agree a time table and costs. It is getting really frustrating that no progress is being made and wondered if I can do anything to speed things up as I would like to put it all behind me. My solicitor says it is to do with the covid. Is this just an excuse?
Mark Smith, by e-mail
I suspect that the Covid-19 pandemic is the reason. We are seeing many delays and cancellations caused by covid, the most recent of which was a hearing cancelled the day before it was due to be heard and, like in your case, for the second time. It is to do with the courts having to try and cope with reduced staff and trying to implement new procedures. While some hearings are going ahead in person, a lot are now being dealt with remotely, by telephone or video hearing. The hearing you are referring to is likely to be a case and costs management conference (CCMC) which lists dates of the various stages to trial and set the parties’ costs budgets for the various stages of litigation. I am afraid that you are going to have to be patient and let the court system find its way and clear its backlog.