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Amputation Claims Solicitors

Bikelawyer has a strong expertise in claims involving amputee clients. This is a highly specialised area of law and one best dealt with by experienced experts.

Getting the right support throughout the process, and the right financial provision for the future can make all the difference to the life you go on to lead.

We know that people have never experienced this before so here are some the questions we’re often asked by clients who have sustained injury requiring amputation.


What help is available?

Initially it is likely that your treatment will be managed by the NHS.  Once discharged however the experience varies by NHS trust.  Unfortunately, for financial reasons, the NHS isn’t able to compete with the private sector when it comes to assisting people who have suffered amputation.

At Bikelawyer we use private rehabilitation experts who specialist in amputation injuries.  They deal with both the physical and psychological rehabilitation that client’s need.  When the time is right they liaise with private prosthetic specialists to do everything possible to reduce the impact of the injury.

Will I have to pay for it?

No, our experienced amputation claims solicitors can usually get the defendant to fund early intervention from a private rehabilitation provider while the claim is ongoing.  The long term cost of private medical care will be included as part of your claim leaving you to focus on your recovery.

How much can I claim for an amputation?

Due to the unique nature of amputation claims they can generate some of the largest compensation claims.  The exact amount will take into account your own specific circumstances but will likely be significant.  We will claim for private prosthetic provision.  We may need to include a claim for a house, a car suitable for your needs, private medical costs, the cost of care and assistance.

It’s a sad but true fact that disabled people earn less than their able bodied counterparts.

Bikelawyers amputation claims solicitors will work out all of these costs for the remainder of your life.  Many of these claims are technical and complex so it’s important to instruct a solicitor who can maximise your claim.

It’s also important to remember that the amount you end up with is determined by both your injuries and liability for the accident.  If you have suffered an amputation as a result of a motorcycle accident it’s vital that your solicitor is a specialist in motorcycle accident claims as well as amputation claims.

Recent Bikelawyer amputation cases have included settlements of £1.47million and £1.52 million.

Is it normal to be depressed?

The loss of a limb is a traumatic experience and it is an emotionally difficult time.   People often feel a range of emotions from anger, frustration, depression (sometimes even to the point of feeling suicidal), denial, grief, sadness, and anxiety.

All this is perfectly normal part of coming to terms with such a life changing event.  The good news is that with the proper help and support from experts trained in trauma counselling such feelings can usually be overcome with the proper rehabilitation.

What prosthetics can I get?

At Bikelawyer we work closely with leading Prosthetic and Rehabilitation teams to work out exactly what you need.

The world of prosthetics has changed dramatically over recent years and a spectacular array of prosthetic limbs is now available, each specifically tailored to the intended use.

Sports legs can cover everything from a “wet” leg for swimming, blades for running, to legs adapted for specific purposes like motorcycle racing.

If a natural appearance is more important to you, then a cosmetic prosthetic based on a scan of your remaining limb might be right for you.  This can be twinned with a “summer” leg which looks more tanned so that the difference between limbs is less noticeable throughout the year.

At the upper end of the spectrum are “powered” limbs.  These help reduce the long term impact of amputation by mimicking the work of muscles and preventing injuries caused by uneven power distribution when active.

The exact needs will be discussed in detail so that the client’s individual circumstances are catered for and often a variety of prosthetic limbs are required to minimise the impact of amputation on the injured person’s quality of life.

While many of these prosthetic limbs aren’t available on the NHS, we are able to claim for the private costs of prosthetic limbs suited to the needs of the client.  A client’s prosthetic provision can run to many hundreds of thousands of pounds over their lifetime so it’s important to instruct a solicitor who is an expert in amputation claims.

What are the physical rehabilitation stages?

Once an injured person has recovered from surgery the rehabilitation process usually goes through the following stages:

Physiotherapy and exercise in order to strengthen and provide independence, in addition to instruction on wheelchair use and transferring safely from, for example, a wheelchair to bed or to toilet.

The person will usually be discharged from hospital when the wound is healing but still swollen. The stump will not yet be ready for having a cast or for measurements to be taken for the prosthetic (artificial) limb.

The level of exercise will be increased and use of a Pneumatic Post Amputation Mobility (PPAM) Aid which is an inflatable leg which is placed over the stump to enable walking between parallel bars.

This facilitates becoming re-accustomed to being upright again and weight bearing on the amputated side.  It also has the benefit of reducing swelling.

A cast and measurements will be taken and advice provided on the suitability of artificial limbs and their use. Intermittent reviews by the prosthetist will enable any required adjustments to be made to the prosthesis.

What is Phantom Limb Syndrome?

One of the most common complications to affect people after amputation is phantom limb pain. This is when a person experiences sensations of pain that seem to be coming from the limb that has been amputated. It is estimated that 50-80% of people develop phantom limb pain after an amputation. Sometimes the sensation is so strong that a person may attempt to stand on the amputated side. This can obviously lead to a fall and further injury being sustained.

The term ‘phantom’ does not mean that the symptoms of pain are imaginary and all in your head. Phantom limb pain is a very real phenomenon which has been confirmed using brain imaging scans to study how nerve signals are transmitted to the brain.

The symptoms of phantom limb pain can range from mild to severe. Some people have described brief ‘flashes’ of mild pain, similar to an electric shock, that last for a few seconds. Other people describe constant severe pain.

There are a number of effective treatments depending on the cause of the phantom limb pain, from electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), nerve blocking injections, or even mirror box therapy. There are also drugs that can help.

When should I start my claim?

As soon as possible as so we can put all the support you need in place during this difficult time.

If you’ve suffered an amputation injury or if amputation is being considered then give our amputation claims solicitors a call so we can explain how we can help you.

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