Chronic Pain and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
We have recovered millions of pounds in compensation on behalf of clients who have developed chronic pain or CRPS as a result of their motorcycle accidents.
What is Chronic Pain and CRPS?
The main symptom of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is pain, which can sometimes be severe, continuous and debilitating.
It’s usually confined to 1 limb, but can sometimes spread to other parts of the body.
Chronic Pain
The pain of CRPS is usually triggered by an injury. But the pain is a lot more severe and long-lasting than would normally be expected.
The pain may feel like a mix of burning, stabbing or stinging. There may also be tingling and numbness.
You may have periods of pain lasting a few days or weeks, called flare-ups, where the pain gets worse.
Stress in particular can lead to flare-ups, which is why relaxation techniques and mindfulness training can be an important part of treating CRPS.
If you have CRPS, your skin in the affected area can become very sensitive.
Even the slightest touch, bump or change in temperature can cause intense pain.