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Bikelawyer’s Andrew Campbell, is MCN’s Legal expert and columnist writing the weekly MCN Law column. Andrew has been writing for MCN for over a decade. Readers write in with their questions and Andrew answers them. Links to the weekly law columns can be found below.

I came off on a pothole

I recently came off my bike when the front wheel hit a pothole. I broke my collarbone and some ribs and had to have 2 weeks off work. I...

Lost my pension due to injuries

I was hit off my Multistrada 2 years ago and have an ongoing claim for compensation. I was in the navy for 8 years and was regularly getting promoted....

What should I do about my court summons?

I have received a court summons for ‘not being in proper control of my motorcycle’ and ‘driving without due care and attention’.  I wasn’t stopped and reported at the...

Solicitors won’t act for child pillion

I had an accident last year with my 17 year old son riding pillion, when a car pulled across our path without indicating. I managed to avoid a collision...

I’m not happy with my lawyer

I am getting increasingly frustrated with the solicitors my insurance company arranged for me. I was in hospital with some nasty fractures when they signed me up as a...

Insurance went up after non-fault accident

I have fully comprehensive insurance for my motorcycle. I was unfortunately involved in an accident earlier this year when a delivery van swerved into my lane. Although I was luckily...

Problem with my sick pay

Last year I was knocked off my bike on a mini roundabout and was off work for 12 weeks afterwards. I was examined by the insurance company’s medical expert...

I can’t remember the accident

In the summer I had an accident while overtaking a line of cars. The driver who knocked me off claims I was speeding. She said she was indicating and...

Is it too late for me to claim?

I had an accident in June 2021 caused by a hit and run driver. I have been left with psychological problems which I did not have before. I have...

Is legal expenses insurance worth it?

I am renewing my bike insurance later this month and have a question. Last year I paid extra to include legal expenses insurance.   I haven’t needed to use it...

Have I missed my chance to claim?

I was injured when I came off on an diesel oil spill on 5 years ago.  The spill was all over the road. The police said there was nothing...

I came off on mud…

I recently fell off my motorcycle because of mud. I was travelling around a bend on a country road when I skidded on a large deposit of mud.  It...

Can I ride to the MOT garage?

A couple of days ago I realised that my MOT certificate is a few weeks out of date and would like to know whether this affects the validity of...

Why aren’t the police prosecuting?

I was filtering between two lines of slow moving traffic in Newport when a passenger in a car in the outside lane opened his door to get out of...

Am I at fault because I apologised?

I was riding to work and filtering through congested traffic a couple of weeks ago when a car exited a side road and I hit the front of it....

Can I appeal the judge’s decision?

I was in court 2 weeks ago for my bike accident compensation claim. I was claiming against a van driver for injuries caused in the accident but I lost...

Is my dark visor legal?

I belong to a bikers club and I was warned by a fellow member that he thinks my tinted visor could be illegal (too dark) and I could be...

Should I accept split liability?

I was filtering slowly past a line of slow moving traffic on the right hand side using the area in the broken chevrons. When I was next to a...

MIB rejected my case

I read last week’s MCN Law column about the diesel spill against the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) with interest because I came off on some oil or diesel at...

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