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Will the MIB help after hit and run

I discovered the Motor Insurance Bureau following some research after an accident in which someone knocked me off my Vespa but then fled the scene. Luckily (although very painfully) I only had a couple of cracked ribs but I was off work for 2 weeks and my leather jacket and boots were damaged. Will I be able to get compensation from the Bureau?

Andrew Parminter, by e-mail,



It is actually the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB). It is a Government body funded by insured motorists (a small contribution of your insurance goes to fund the MIB each year). It compensates victim of untraced and uninsured drivers. A hit and run accident would be an untraced claim. You are able to recover compensation for injuries if you can persuade the MIB that your accident arose as a result of the negligence of the untraced or uninsured road user. I have written about the availability of compensation for diesel spills before but the remit of the MIB is much wider, covering hit and run cases like yours, shed loads, vehicle parts in the road, dazzling cases and many others. I suggest that you use a specialist solicitor familiar with motorcycle accidents and they will pursue the claim on your behalf. The MIB can be a tricky opponent and will often reject cases. I have had to appeal dozens, the vast majority of which succeed.



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