When can police pull me over
The law pulled me over at the side of the road. They said their automatic records checking system showed that my Hayabusa was not insured. I made it clear I was insured and showed them an email on my phone with an attached insurance certificate. They were not interested in the certificate simply stating I was not insured. Infuriating. I was not allowed to move my bike!
In the end, it turned out to be a mistake by my insurer. They failed to arrange insurance cover even though they had taken payment and issued an insurance certificate. They have apologised.
Can the police really stop you riding for reasons you believe to be false? I thought you had 7 days to produce documentation?
Pete Carragher, by e-mail
The vehicle was not in fact insured so the police were correct although this was clearly not your fault. The police can stop a vehicle for any reason with reasonable cause to suspect something is awry. If they ask you to stop, you should always pull over when it is safe to do so. You are breaking the law if you don’t.
If you’re stopped, the police can ask to see your driving licence, insurance certificate and MOT certificate. If you don’t have these documents with you, you have 7 days to take them to a police station. You are breaking the law if you don’t show the requested documents within 7 days.
You can have your vehicle seized if you are stopped on suspicion of driving without insurance and for some other offences.