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I need help with my hit and run MIB claim

I was riding my Harley-Davidson last year when I was involved in an accident with an SUV driver who failed to stop and then fled the scene. I had multiple injuries and my bike was damaged beyond repair. I made a claim to the Motor Insurers’ Bureau but they rejected it on the basis that the SUV driver leaving the scene was not evidence that he was negligent!  He collided with me when he cut across a bend in the road… What more do they need and where does that leave me!?
Harry B, by e-mail


The Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) compensates the victims of negligent untraced drivers under the Untraced Drivers’ Agreement (as well as uninsured drivers under a separate agreement). To succeed with your claim you must establish that your injuries were caused by, or arose out of, the negligent use of an untraced motor vehicle on a road or other public place.

Your claim should be accepted if you can prove negligence. While MIB is right to say that leaving the scene is not evidence of negligence, if you were established and he crossed over into your lane it speaks for itself that he was negligent in the manner of his driving.

I would recommend that you waste no time in instructing a motorcycle accident solicitor to look at the claim because there is a strict 6 week deadline to appeal the MIB’s decision.

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