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Bikelawyer wins ‘unwinnable’ hit and run case

Ms C was riding along a country lane when a car approached from the other direction, causing her to slow to a stop.  As she did so, a car from behind her decided to overtake.  When it saw the car from the other direction, it pulled in sharply, knocking Ms C from her bike.

Ms C sustained life-changing injuries including a significant leg fracture.

The car driver fled the scene of the accident and so Ms C’s – non-specialist – former solicitors pursued a ‘hit and run’ claim against the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) under their Untraced Drivers’ Agreement 2017.

MIB investigated the claim and rejected it based on its interpretation of the evidence.  In response, Ms C’s former solicitors told her that she had an ‘almost zero’ chance of successfully appealing MIB’s decision and advised that she accept it.

Ms C did not agree and contacted Bikelawyer to change solicitors.  Bikelawyer agreed to take over the case, and filed an appeal within a week.

The appeal was wholly successful, with MIB accepting Ms C’s claim in full.  Ms C will now be free to receive private treatment funded by MIB while Bikelawyer continues to document her claim and work towards obtaining the compensation she deserves.

To get in touch with our expert team, you can call us on 01446 788 383 or email us at

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