£175k for diesel spill pedestrian
This report sets out the outcome of a pedestrian who seriously injured her knee when she slipped on diesel.
Incident Overview
The Claimant was crossing the road with her family when she slipped on diesel and fractured her tibia.
Where to Turn
The Claimant did not originally know if she could bring a claim. Although she was not a biker, she contacted leading diesel spill specialists, Bikelawyer, who agreed to act and brought an application under the Motor Insurers’ Bureau’s (MIB) Untraced Drivers’ Agreement for compensation on her behalf.
Following reports from an orthopaedic surgeon and a plastic surgeon the claim settled for by negotiation for £175,000.00.
If you need to get in touch with our expert team call us on 01446 794 199 or email info@bikelawyer.co.uk.