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£117,000 Compensation for injured rider

Mr H was riding his motorcycle in London (SW9) when the Defendant turned right across his path, causing a collision. He sustained serious injuries including a broken right knee...

£300,000 compensation for Kent biker

Mr S was riding his motorcycle in Kent along a main road when an elderly lady pulled out of a side road into his path. She claimed to have...

Expert evidence proves £150k claim

£150,000 for Gloucestershire biker Mr B came off his motorcycle in July 2015 when he tried to avoid a bumper in a dual carriageway which had come off a...

£300,000 compensation for injured biker

Mr X was involved in a motorcycle accident with a tractor in summer 2017. He sustained serious injuries including fractures to all four limbs. Following a great deal of...

Diesel spill biker gets £126,000

Bikelawyer has recovered £126,000 compensation for motorcyclist who came off his Enduro 250cc on a diesel spill in 2015. He sustained a badly broken leg and was off work...

Bikelawyer settles Swiss filtering claim

Bikelawyer has settled a claim for a biker injured in a road traffic accident in Switzerland after his insurers told him that he wouldn’t be able to claim. Mr...

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