Unhappy with my solicitor
I was involved in a nasty crash a couple of years ago when a Mini driver turned across my path and sent me flying over the bonnet. I was in hospital for three weeks and still feel the effects to this day. I was provided with solicitors by my insurance company and they were fine at first. But the person dealing with my case has changed four times and I struggle to get hold of them. It feels like my case not going anywhere and nothing much is happening. What can I do?
Leo, by email
It’s not unreasonable to expect to be kept updated with developments in your claim or to be able to get in touch with the person dealing with the case.
You have two options – you can make a complaint to your current solicitors about the service you have received to see if that improves matters, or you can do some research online to find the most suitable lawyer for you and speak to them to see if they can take over the case.
Generally speaking, when insurers recommend a solicitor they are recommending a company they have a commercial agreement with, as opposed to the most suitable lawyer for your circumstances, and so their quality varies a lot. Many such firms are geared up to deal with a high turnover of low-value or straightforward cases, and that can really show when they deal with serious injuries or complex claims. Unfortunately, it sounds like this is what you are experiencing.