Can You Ride Motorbikes on the Beach?
At Bikelawyer, we’re more than just a motorcycle accident specialist legal firm. As well as our motorcycle accident claims service, we also provide basic legal advice and expert information for the motorcycle community, through our expert column in Motor Cycle News (MCN).
In this blog, our motorcycle experts answer a question that we were recently asked by one of our MCN column readers:
Question: ‘I’m thinking of buying a motocross or trail bike to take on holiday with me and to ride on the beach. Are you allowed to just ride on any beaches or are there certain beaches that it’s allowed on, if so, how do I find out if and where I can ride on the sand?
To answer this question, it’s useful to consider the places that you can ride your bike legally in the UK, as well as the rules for beaches specifically:
Where can I ride my motorbike legally in the UK?
The law on where you can and cannot drive comes down to a few basic principles. You can drive on public roads, but all the rules of the road will apply, such as the requirement for road tax, insurance, helmets etc. Bear in mind that byways and unclassified country roads are public highways even though they may not be tarmacked.
You cannot drive on a public footpath, bridleway, cycle track or restricted byway.
You are also restricted from riding on any land, moorland, forest, commons, country parks, waste ground, derelict railways etc., unless you have the express permission of the landowner.
If you don’t own your own land, you could look at a commercial motor sports site, an off-road ‘pay and play’ centre, or join a reputable club specialising in off-road activities. Ordinance survey maps are useful guides but are not definitive sources of legal public rights of way and other routes when it comes to where you are able to ride/drive.
For more information about riding your motorcycle on a beach, please contact our experts at Bikelawyer.
Can you ride a motorbike on the beach?
The rules regarding riding your dirt bike on any particular beach will vary from place to place, so it is difficult to provide you with a definitive answer to your question. If you are permitted to drive on a certain beach, including riding your quad bike on a beach, this could be restricted to certain months of the year (excluding the holiday months), and may have speed restrictions in place.
It would be best to speak with the local council of the beaches you are thinking of riding on, and checking what the rules are regarding you riding your dirt bike on a beach there.
What beaches can you ride your motorcycle on?
Whether or not you can ride your motorcycle on a specific beach varies depending on the area, as well as the months of the year.
Before riding your motorcycle on a particular beach, it’s essential that you conduct your own research, for example, you should contact the local council for the area, or seek this information via the local council website.
You might also find useful information through local motorcycle groups and online communities, depending on the area that you are visiting.
Researching a particular area before riding your motorcycle on a beach is important to protect your interests and rights, for instance, in the context of a motorcycle accident.
When riding a motorbike on a beach, you are advised to take safety precautions, for instance, reducing your tyre pressure to help you gain traction on the sandy terrain and stay in control of the bike. It is also advisable to maintain a safe speed, and ensure that you have the appropriate safety gear.
Contact our Motorcycle Accident Claims Solicitors
At Bikelawyer, we specialise in motorcycle accident claims, supporting those who’ve been involved in accidents, in particular, people who’ve been seriously injured.
If you require our services, and would like to discuss your circumstances, please get in touch with our motorcycle accident lawyers at Bikelawyer. You can call us on 01446794199.